Tag Archives: Confucius


Chinese poem illustration/鲁颂 駉/佚名 Thinking no evil

Chinese poem illustration: 鲁颂 駉/Lu Song – Strong Horses by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 鲁颂 駉 Till 9:59 is a short briefing on Lu Song(鲁颂), which is considered asRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/小雅 桑扈/佚名 Bird or mulberry tree?

Chinese poem illustration: 小雅 桑扈/ Xiaoya – Mulberry Tree Beside the Gate by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 小雅 桑扈 A typical Shijing poem about a happy dinner and prayingRead More…


Chinese poem illustration Part/周南 关雎/佚名 Lord’s affair

Chinese poem illustration: 周南 关雎/ Zhou Wind – Guanju the Turtledove by Anonymous 1st song in Book of Songs, the book was believed to be the final revision by confucius, not theRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/沧浪歌 or 孺子歌/佚名 A patriot or a hermit?

Chinese poem illustration: 沧浪歌 or 孺子歌/ Song of Canglang or Song of Kids by Anonymous Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 沧浪歌/孺子歌 A folk song recorded around 300 BCRead More…