Tag Archives: Tang poetry


Chinese poem illustration/ 登鹳雀楼/王之涣 Go further and higher

Chinese poem illustration: 登鹳雀楼 Up the Stork Highrise by Wang Zhihuan YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 登鹳雀楼 If you just read one Tang poem, this is the oneRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 和梦得夏至忆苏州呈卢宾客/白居易 Memory in the longest day

Chinese poem illustration: 和梦得夏至忆苏州呈卢宾客/ Reply to Mengde’s Poem Titled as a Recall to Suzhou for Mr. Lu in Summer Solstice Day by Bai Juyi YouTube above not applicable? watch full video atRead More…


1 Read the classic poems the classic way

Part1, Why Tang Poems? For video Great Chinese classic poem illustrated 古诗朗诵和讲解 The Tang poetry is the gemstone on the crown of classic chinese literature, a renaissance after hundreds years of warsRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 将进酒/李白 Another Toast!

Chinese poem illustration: 将进酒/ Another Toast Please by Li Bai Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 将进酒 Wine drinking is a deep rooted culture in Chinese history and today.Read More…