Tag Archives: Oriole


Chinese poem illustration/秦风 黄鸟/佚名 Human sacrifice

Chinese poem illustration: 秦风 黄鸟/ Qin Wind – Oriole by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 秦风 黄鸟 This poem is about the funeral of one of the most famous lordRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 绝句四首 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳/杜甫 Two Yellow Oriole Birds

Chinese poem illustration: 绝句四首 其三/ Jueju The Third by Du Fu Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 绝句 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳 One of the few poems for pre-school kids in ChinaRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 绝句其三/杜甫 Birds, snow mountains, Wu’s boats make Chengdu a great city

Chinese poem illustration:绝句其三 Two yellow oriole… One of the few poems for pre-school kids in China , taught again in grade 9th, high-school. The poem was a easy poem for kids, aRead More…