Tag Archives: FanMandarin


Chinese Poem Illustration/登幽州台歌/陈子昂 Symbolic poem for early Tang period

Chinese poem illustration 登幽州台歌/ Ascend Youzhou Platform by Chen Ziang Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 登幽州台歌 The most famous Tang poem wrote about Beijing, which is a frontierRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/邶风 旄丘/佚名 Morality and code damaged – 礼崩乐坏

Chinese poem illustration: 邶风 旄丘/ Bei Wind – Mao Hill by Anonymous Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 邶风 旄丘 Most countries today are by law and bureaucracy, whileRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/登科后/孟郊 The grand examination

Chinese poem illustration: 登科后/ After Passing the Grand Examination by Meng Jiao Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 登科后 Jun 7,8,9 is Chinese university admission exam dates. This nationalRead More…