Tag Archives: chariot


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 遵大路/佚名: Road to cemetery

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 遵大路/Zheng Wind – A toast to Grand Chariot Above video could be watch on Bilibili: 郑风 遵大路 A new interpretation is developed not only for this poem butRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/秦风 小戎/佚名 Corner and curve of heart

Chinese poem illustration: 秦风 车邻/ Qin Wind – Small Chariot by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 秦风 小戎 Featured with the most complicated and sophisticated description on chariot which appearingRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 清人/佚名 Army on bund

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 清人/ Zheng Wind – People of Qing by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 郑风 清人 A simple poem but one of the few poems could beRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/王风 大车/佚名 A young soldier

Chinese poem illustration: 王风 大车/ King Wind – Grand Chariot by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 王风 大车 Love is a modern concept to Chinese. It is not to sayRead More…