Tag Archives: 终南山


“月离于毕,百川滂沱”-“小雅 渐渐之石”新说

摘要:本文以哲学三问为逻辑,借助Stellarium天文模拟软件,从“月离于毕”天象入手,发明诗经小雅“渐渐之石”的隐秘诗情。 Abstract: By asking the classic questions of WHO, WHERE FROM ,WHERE ABOUT, with planetarium software Stellarium to simulate the moon and stellar movement in history, a new interpretation to Xiaoya – Gradual Rock is developed. 小雅Read More…


Chinese Poem Illustration/终南别业/王维 Waterhead and cloud up

Chinese poem illustration: 终南别业/ Villa in South Mountain by Wang Wei Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 终南别业 Wang Wei, so called poet of Buddha, Maestro of poem, paintingRead More…


Chinese poem illustration: 山居秋暝/王维 Autumn in the South Mountain

Chinese poem illustration: 山居秋暝/ An Autumn dusk at the Mountain Villa by Wang Wei Full video also available at Bilibili: 山居秋暝 A mountain river and farming field poem(山水田园诗) by Wang Wei, itRead More…