Tag Archives: 诗经


Chinese poem illustration/邶风 二子乘舟/佚名 How a state collapses

Chinese poem illustration: 邶风 二子乘舟/Bei Wind – Two Princes on a Boat This video is also available at Bilibili: 邶风 二子乘舟 This poem is about a real story recorded in Zuozhuan(春秋左传) andRead More…



读博文https://www.sohu.com/a/525765552_322551?spm=smpc.author.fd-d.8.1646290337551EyrD3P0后评论,记录于下。 不敢苟同。左传应该是累世积累下的“文本”。 左丘就是左史的别称,“左史记言,右史记事”也。其居称左丘,如孔丘。 左传的定本当是累世传到某一代,写定成文本了,其人很可能就叫左明,或左丘之明。 左传乃解经之一家之言,言传心授的家学本不该写定文本的。写定文本意味着此”传“已经广播于“左家”之外,鲁泮池之外。这大概也是到了西汉,左传不被立为官学的原因:“传”只存于口耳,纸面之“传”来路不正。今日秦腔有高频口语“闲传/fchuan2音”,坊间之言也, 对应另一种”传“就是一家之言如春秋三传。“传”,一家之言,可以是“国”学, 也可以是“家”学,春秋战国社会阶层打乱以后,“国”学,“家”学大多逸散于民间了。


Chinese poem illustration/邶风 静女/佚名 Romance or brotherhood?

Chinese poem illustration: 邶风 静女/Bei Wind – Your silence Full video also available at Bilibili: 邶风 静女 Taken as a vivid and touching love poem eversince, a new deciphering is put forwardRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/召南 江有汜/佚名 Elegy to his lord

Chinese poem illustration: 召南 江有汜/Shao Wind – Dead in Yangtze River by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 召南 江有汜 An elegy to his lord who passed away somewhere in YangtzeRead More…