Chinese poem illustration: 小雅 庭燎/ Xiaoya – Bonfire in Yard by Anonymous

小雅 庭燎

Full video also available at Bilibili: 小雅 庭燎

Not yet, not yet midnight(夜未央), a word of mystery, eagerness, enthuthiasm became the royal palace name(未央宫) in Han dynasty, it also became a lucky words(长乐未央, the two palaces name in Han dynasty). The huge 20 meters high foundation, the relic of Weiyang palace(未央宫)still stands in the west suburd off Xi’an city today, which is just kilometers away from the site of this poem.

Generally this poem is considered of a grand meeting of lords. A new decipherment is put forward due to the modern history study, this poem is about a grand celebrating ceremony of a big military victory rather then the routine royal court life.

小雅 庭燎




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