
Chinese poem illustration/李延年歌or佳人曲/李延年/ Can a glance crush a country?

Chinese poem illustration: 李延年歌 or 佳人曲/ Li Yannian’s Song or Song of Beauty by Li Yannian YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 李延年歌 Li Yannian was a royal musicianRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/采菊东篱下or 饮酒 其五/陶渊明/ Song of a hermit

Chinese poem illustration: 采菊东篱下 or 饮酒 其五/ Picking Chrysanthemum Flower under East Fence or Drinking The Fifth by Tao Yuanming YouTube not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 饮酒 其五 or 采菊东篱下Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/长恨歌/白居易/ Royal Romance

Chinese poem illustration: 长恨歌1/ Song of Everlasting Sorrow by Bai Juyi YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 长恨歌1 Part 1: Poem illustration starts from 11:30 after background introduction. PartRead More…


Chinese poem/秋夕/杜牧/ The night in royal palace

Chinese poem illustration: 秋夕/ Autumn Night by Du Mu Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 秋夕 A poem for July 7th/Double Seven festival(七夕or乞巧) on lunar calendar, or 2018.8.17. WithRead More…