Tag Archives: 岐山


Chinese poem illustration/豳风 东山/佚名 Homeward bound

Chinese poem illustration: 豳风 东山/ Bin Wind – East Mountain by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 豳风 东山 Might be the very first homesick poetry(思乡怀人诗) in the history record withRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/大雅 卷阿/佚名 Ancestral home revisited

Chinese poem illustration: 大雅 卷阿/ Daya – Zigzag Mountain by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili:大雅 卷阿 PART1 PART2 Few Songs might be coincided with a mysterious Bamboo Annals(竹书纪年) digged outRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/大雅 緜/佚名 Bitters taste sweet

Chinese poem illustration: 大雅 緜/ Daya – Endless Vine by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 大雅 緜part1 part2 The 3rd in Daya(大雅), a classic epic poem about one of theRead More…