

Chinese poem illustration/凉州词二首 其一/王之涣 Fortress of Jade Gateway

Chinese poem illustration: 凉州词二首 其一/ Song of Liangzhou City, the First by Wang Zhihuan YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 凉州词/黄河远上白云间 One of the top Frontier and Fortress PoetryRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/春晓/孟浩然/ Spring fever

Chinese poem illustration: 春晓/The Dawn of Spring by Meng Haoran YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 春晓 The most familiar Tang poem for Chinese, very likely hard remembered atRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/李延年歌or佳人曲/李延年/ Can a glance crush a country?

Chinese poem illustration: 李延年歌 or 佳人曲/ Li Yannian’s Song or Song of Beauty by Li Yannian YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 李延年歌 Li Yannian was a royal musicianRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/采菊东篱下or 饮酒 其五/陶渊明/ Song of a hermit

Chinese poem illustration: 采菊东篱下 or 饮酒 其五/ Picking Chrysanthemum Flower under East Fence or Drinking The Fifth by Tao Yuanming YouTube not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 饮酒 其五 or 采菊东篱下Read More…