

Chinese poem illustration/郑风 子衿/佚名 Junior brother matters

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 子衿/ Zheng Wind – His Collar by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 郑风 子衿 A love poem, the tenderness, hurting and sorrow in a affair areRead More…



有一朵云就爱飘在最蓝的天上有一片雪流连于喜马拉雅神山有一朵雪莲只为他吐芳有那一天我只为一个人迷沉 云朵凝成雪花那是他的心冰雪融汇江河那是我的泪 雪花飘落山巅万年丽蓝江河奔流东海逶迤堕渊 去采一朵白云俯拾一片雪花纯粹洁白或戴或佩那就是我的雪莲花。 庚子岁末戊寅,数日焦虑伤感,今晨得消息冒险王王相军仙陟。


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 叔于田/佚名 Junior brother matters

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 叔于田/ Zheng Wind – Junior Brother at Hunting by Anonymous full video also available at Bilibili: 郑风 叔于田 By analysing a lord’s family, especially the importance of seniorRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/郑风 缁衣/佚名 Sewing his suit

Chinese poem illustration: 郑风 缁衣/ Zheng Wind – Black Suit by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 郑风 缁衣 Introduction to Zheng Wind(郑风) till 7:55, then followed by this first poemRead More…