Tag Archives: Tang poetry


Chinese poem illustration/ 南园十三首 其五/李贺 Drop down pens for sword

Chinese poem illustration: 南园十三首·其五 13 Songs of South Field . Fifth by Li He Full video also available at Bilibili: 南园十三首 其五 One of the leading poet in mid-Tang period, with theRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 南陵别儿童入京/李白 A joyful turning around at the age of 42

Chinese poem illustration: 南陵别儿童入京/ Farewell to Kids and Servants Going to Chang’an from Nanling by Li Bai YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 南陵别儿童入京 The career life is neverRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 遣怀/杜牧 Sorrow for the Yangzhou days and nights

Chinese poem illustration: 遣怀/ Dispatching feeling and thought by Du Mu Full video also available at Bilibili: 遣怀 A self wrap up of his days and nights in Yangzhou, between the ageRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 望岳/杜甫 On top of the world- Du Fu in youth

Chinese poem illustration: 望岳/ Looking to the Sacred Mountain by Du Fu YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 望岳 Du Fu in youth time was a totally different figureRead More…