

Chinese poem illustration/召南 何彼襛矣/佚名 Wedding of princess

Chinese poem illustration: 召南 何彼襛矣/Shao Wind – Why Such Abundance by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 召南 何彼襛矣 In a marriage, who is the fishman? who is the fish? whatRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/召南 江有汜/佚名 Elegy to his lord

Chinese poem illustration: 召南 江有汜/Shao Wind – Dead in Yangtze River by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 召南 江有汜 An elegy to his lord who passed away somewhere in YangtzeRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/召南 小星/佚名 Stars resemble King and War

Chinese poem illustration: 召南 小星/Shao Wind – Little Stars by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 召南 小星 Stellars and stars being believed as the mandate of heaven, a King wouldRead More…