
Chinese poem illustration/ 枫桥夜泊/张继 Troubled night

Chinese poem illustration: 枫桥夜泊/ Night Anchor at Maple Bridge by Zhang Ji Full video also available at Bilibili: 枫桥夜泊 This poem depicted a very typical situation after the civil war (安史之乱) broke:Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 望岳/杜甫 On top of the world- Du Fu in youth

Chinese poem illustration: 望岳/ Looking to the Sacred Mountain by Du Fu YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 望岳 Du Fu in youth time was a totally different figureRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 定风波/苏轼 They settled down at south sea

Chinese poem illustration: 定风波·南海归赠王定国侍人寓娘/ Dingfengbo . For Mr. Wang Dingguo’s Concubine Yuniang Who Just Back from South Sea by Su Shi YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 定风波 南海归赠王定国侍人寓娘Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 别董大二首/高适 Say farewell like a great Tang people

Chinese poem illustration: 别董大二首/ Farewell to Mr. Dong by Gao Shi Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 别董大二首 Two poems written for the reunion and forthcoming departure. Parting poemsRead More…