
Chinese poem illustration/ 无题 八岁偷照镜/李商隐 Young girl

Chinese poem illustration: 无题 八岁偷照镜/ No Title – Looking at Mirror Privately at Eight by Li Shangyin YouTube above not applicable? watch full video here: 八岁偷照镜 Could be the 1st No TitleRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/长干行 其一/李白 A life story of a merchant’s wife

Chinese poem illustration: 长干行 其一/ Song of Changgan The First by Li bai YouTube above not applicable? watch full video here: 长干行 Reminiscence of a merchant’s wife life story through several vividRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 关山月/李白 Tang soldiers at silk road

Chinese poem illustration: 关山月/ Fortress Mountain Moon by Li Bai YouTube above not applicable? watch full video here: 关山月 The best one among Li Bai’s few Frontier and Fortress poetry(边塞诗). The moonRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 酬乐天初逢扬州席上见赠/刘禹锡 I am the sunken boat, either the dying tree

Chinese poem illustration: 酬乐天初逢扬州席上见赠/ Reply to Letian at First Encounter Dinner in Yangzhou by Liu Yuxi YouTube above not applicable? watch full video here: 酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠 A famous mount is by its fairyRead More…