Chinese poem illustration: 山行 Hiking by Du Mu


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A new explanation of the famous word ” 坐”. This word used to be hard translated as Because Of(因为), this meaning is only for THIS POEM. My new attempt : this is just a phonetic loan character(通假字, use a different word with same pronunciation) . The Shaanxi dialect which supposed to be the direct descendant of official language of Tang dynasty or Du Mu’s mother tongue, spell 坐 and 凑 both as cou4. 凑是的 and 凑爱 is still frequently used in today’s daily talk in Shaanxi dialect(秦腔). As such, the sentence 停车坐爱枫林晚 equals 停车凑爱枫林晚. This poem most probably was written in Du Mu late years of life, 10 kilometers down south from his home, into the huge mountain of South Mountain(南山), which was mentioned again and again since the time of Book of Songs. The red leaves could be a metaphor to his late life and his spirit, which shines brighter than flowers/youth.

This poem most probably was written in Du Mu late years of life, 10 kilometers down south from his home, into the huge mountain of South Mountain(南山), which was mentioned again and again since the time of Book of Songs. The red leaves could be a metaphor to his late life and his spirit, which shines brighter than flowers/youth.



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