Tag Archives: 长安


Chinese poem illustration/ 金铜仙人辞汉歌/李贺 Farewell to Chang’An

Chinese poem illustration: 金铜仙人辞汉歌/ Farewell song by the Han Bronze Immortal by Li He Full video also available at Bilibili: 金铜仙人辞汉歌 A lyrical poem about the story happened in Three Kingdoms time.Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 南陵别儿童入京/李白 A joyful turning around at the age of 42

Chinese poem illustration: 南陵别儿童入京/ Farewell to Kids and Servants Going to Chang’an from Nanling by Li Bai YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 南陵别儿童入京 The career life is neverRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/ 丽人行/杜甫 Beauties in picnic

Chinese poem illustration: 丽人行/ Song of Beauties by Du Fu Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 丽人行1 This poem depicts most luxurious picnic in the famous garden Qujiang(曲江) atRead More…