Tag Archives: 唐诗


Chinese poem illustration/凉州词二首 其一/王之涣 Fortress of Jade Gateway

Chinese poem illustration: 凉州词二首 其一/ Song of Liangzhou City, the First by Wang Zhihuan YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 凉州词/黄河远上白云间 One of the top Frontier and Fortress PoetryRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/长恨歌/白居易/ Royal Romance

Chinese poem illustration: 长恨歌1/ Song of Everlasting Sorrow by Bai Juyi YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 长恨歌1 Part 1: Poem illustration starts from 11:30 after background introduction. PartRead More…


Chinese poem/从军行七首 其四/王昌龄/ Conquering the distant city :Kroraina/Loulan

Chinese poem illustration: 从军行七首 其四/ 7 Poems of Song of Enrolled by Army, the Fourth by Wang Changling YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 从军行七首 其四 Enrolled by ArmyRead More…


Chinese poem/离思五首 其四/元稹/ Once crossed deep ocean

Chinese poem illustration: 离思五首 其四/ Five Poems on Sentimental for Passed Away by Yuan Zhen YouTube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 离思五首 其四 A song for his passed wifeRead More…