Tag Archives: 文王



恰逢今日初解关雎,有感得句。数年之功,三遍往复,始敢作解。数月间,自齐风小试,依次解国风至豳风。昨日随即开始研读周南而郑风在望! 癸卯小暑前日小改。 周南亶父,岐阳原京。五星房聚,邦国辟绳。或封周公,伊洛有嗣。泮宫东夷,匪颂匪风。大始风雨,太姒祖文。雎鸟或祖,鸠羽或斑。河舟之旅,君子女淑。溯回辗转,钟鼓瑟琴。 癸卯小暑霜降复修 周南亶父,膴膴原京。五星房聚,千国辟绳。或封周邦,大宰有承。泮宫东夷,匪颂匪风。周始风雨,太姒祖昌。关雎斑荫,归宁葛覃。河舟之求,麟趾振振。墳汉难济,钟鼓瑟琴。


Chinese poem illustration/大雅 卷阿/佚名 Ancestral home revisited

Chinese poem illustration: 大雅 卷阿/ Daya – Zigzag Mountain by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili:大雅 卷阿 PART1 PART2 Few Songs might be coincided with a mysterious Bamboo Annals(竹书纪年) digged outRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/大雅 思齐/佚名 To king or queen?

Chinese poem illustration: 大雅 思齐/ Daya – Missing Equally by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 大雅 思齐 An eulogy to King Wen(文王). King Wen’s mother, grandmother and his wife wereRead More…


Chinese poem illustration/大雅 緜/佚名 Bitters taste sweet

Chinese poem illustration: 大雅 緜/ Daya – Endless Vine by Anonymous Full video also available at Bilibili: 大雅 緜part1 part2 The 3rd in Daya(大雅), a classic epic poem about one of theRead More…