Tag Archives: 屈原


“邶风 简兮”和“唐风 采苓”新探

本文对诗经邶风 简兮和唐风 采苓各提出了一种新解读。在解读过程中也探讨了说文解字对苦,古,苓,尔雅对蘦释义的谬误。A new interpretation is developed toward Bei Wind- Bang Bang and Tang Wind- Collecting ungus of Book of Songs. Two items in Shuowen Jiezi are discussed accordingly. 邶风 简兮 简兮简兮,方将万舞。日之方中,在前上处。硕人俣俣,公庭万舞。Read More…


Chinese poem illustration/沧浪歌 or 孺子歌/佚名 A patriot or a hermit?

Chinese poem illustration: 沧浪歌 or 孺子歌/ Song of Canglang or Song of Kids by Anonymous Youtube above not applicable? watch full video at Bilibili: 沧浪歌/孺子歌 A folk song recorded around 300 BCRead More…


2 Read the classic poems the classic way

Part2: A history review of Chinese poetry. For video Great Chinese classic poem illustrated 古诗朗诵和讲解 As Benedetto Croce said , all history is contemporary history. This could be interpreted at least twoRead More…